owl - Compare Data Property values using Protege and Fact++ -

using protege i'm trying compare string values data properties. e.g.:

i have country class, , in class have individual hascountryname data property set "england". i'm using defined class, , want like:

country , (hascountryname value "england")

using hermit reasoner, correctly infers individual member of class, using fact++ not. i'd use fact++ reasoner, there way can modify fact++ recognises it?

fact++ , hermit supposed support same inferences, if works 1 not other suspect bug. confirm this, can try same example using like

country , (hascountry value england) 

where hascountry object property. not make sense in terms of original ontology, same inference should kicked off without using data properties , literals. if fact++ recognizes this, there bug in how works literals , datatype properties.


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