android - Gingerbread listview item animation issue -

i've looked issue nothing i've found matches situation.

my problem occurs onandroid 2.3.x (on 4.x works perfectly)

i have application custom list view. initialize listview follows

listadapter mlistadapter = new listadapter(getapplicationcontext(), this, ...); lvselector = (listview) findviewbyid(; lvselector.setadapter(mlistadapter); 

my listadapter follows:

public class listadapter extends baseadapter {     static class holder {     linearlayout layoutroot, layoutcolor;     textview  htext;     animation anim = animationutils.loadanimation(mactivity, r.anim.anim_list_item);      public holder() {         layoutroot = new linearlayout(mcontext);         layoutcolor = new linearlayout(mcontext);         htext = new textview(mcontext);     }      public holder(holder holder) {         this.layoutroot = holder.layoutroot;         this.layoutcolor = holder.layoutcolor;         this.htext = holder.htext;     } }      int mswap1, mswap2;      animation manimation;      public listadapter(context _context, activity _activity, filehandler _filehandler, string _strschemaname, list<string> _list, list<string> _solution) {         mcontext = _context;         mactivity = _activity;          manimation = animationutils.loadanimation(mactivity, r.anim.anim_list_item);         manimation.reset();          mswap1 = mswap2 = -1;          /* ... */          @override         public view getview(int position, view convertview, viewgroup parent) {             final int fposition = position;      view row = convertview;     holder lholder = null;      if (row==null) {                 layoutinflater inflater = mactivity.getlayoutinflater();                 row = inflater.inflate(r.layout.layout_schema_element, parent, false);                  lholder = new holder();                 lholder.layoutroot = (linearlayout) row.findviewbyid(;                 lholder.layoutcolor = (linearlayout) row.findviewbyid(;                 lholder.htext = (textview) row.findviewbyid(;                  row.settag(lholder);             }             else {                 lholder = (holder)row.gettag();             }              row.setonclicklistener(null);              if (position==0 || position==mdatalist.size()-1) {                 lholder.layoutcolor.setbackgroundresource(r.drawable.bg_elem_fixed);                 lholder.layoutcolor.setonclicklistener(null);             }             else {                 lholder.layoutcolor.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {                     @override                     public void onclick(view v) {                         moveelement(fposition);                     }                 });      }      lholder.htext.settext(mdatalist.get(position));     lholder.layoutroot.setbackgroundresource(0);      mholder.set(position, lholder);      return row;     } }  protected void moveelement(int _element) {     if (mdatalist.get(_element).equals(msolution.get(_element)))         return;      if (mswap1==-1)     {         system.out.println("setting swap1=" + _element);         mholder.get(_element).layoutroot.setbackgroundresource(r.drawable.bg_elem_selected_lite);         mswap1 = _element;     }     else     {         if (mswap2==-1)         {             system.out.println("setting swap2=" + _element);              mholder.get(_element).layoutroot.setbackgroundresource(r.drawable.bg_elem_selected_lite);             mswap2 = _element;         }     }              if (mswap1!=-1)     {         system.out.println("running animation on mswap1=" + mswap1);         mholder.get(mswap1).layoutroot.clearanimation();         mholder.get(mswap1).layoutroot.startanimation(manimation);     }      /***** not work *****/             if (mswap2!=-1)     {         system.out.println("running animation on mswap2=" + mswap2);         mholder.get(mswap2).layoutroot.clearanimation();         mholder.get(mswap2).layoutroot.startanimation(manimation);     }       if (mswap1!=-1 && mswap2!=-1)     {         mholder.get(mswap1).layoutroot.setbackgroundcolor(0);         mholder.get(mswap2).layoutroot.setbackgroundcolor(0);          if (mswap1==mswap2)         {             mswap1 = mswap2 = -1;             return;         }          collections.swap(mdatalist, mswap1, mswap2);         collections.swap(mholder, mswap1, mswap2);         collections.swap(dataobjs, mswap1, mswap2);          mswap1 = mswap2 = -1;          notifydatasetchanged();     } } 


everything works fine when perform collections.swap(list, mswap1, mswap2), elements correctly swapped.

first animation (mswap1) run fine; problem when second animation run (mswap2), executed on element in screen if mswap2 right (e.g.: mswap1=1 -> second element in list animated, mswap2=2 -> n-1 element , n-2 element in list animated n number of visible elemnts).

i've solved problem replacing animation calls

mholder.get(idx).layoutroot.clearanimation(); mholder.get(idx).layoutroot.startanimation(manimation); 

with following method

private void animateitem(int _index, animation _animation) {     if (         _index<mlvselector.getfirstvisibleposition()   // selected item above first visible element         || _index>mlvselector.getlastvisibleposition() // selected item below last  visible element     )         // element invisible -> no animation         return;      int newindex = _index;      if ( < // before android 4.0         && mswap2>=0 // second selection         && mswap1!=mswap2 // second selection differs first selection     )         newindex = mlvselector.getfirstvisibleposition() + (mlvselector.getlastvisibleposition() - _index);      mholder.get(newindex).layoutroot.clearanimation();     mholder.get(newindex).layoutroot.startanimation(_animation); } 

adding animation argument method allows differentiate animation between elements (mswap1 , mswap2).


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