python - QT Timers not calling function -

i'm using pyqt python3.

my qtimers not calling function they're told connect to. isactive() returning true, , interval() working correctly. code below (works standalone) demonstrates problem: thread started, timer_func() function never called. of code boilerplate pyqt. far can tell, i'm using in accordance docs. it's in thread event loop. ideas?

import sys pyqt5 import qtcore, qtwidgets  class thread(qtcore.qthread):     def __init__(self):         qtcore.qthread.__init__(self)      def run(self):         thread_func()   def thread_func():     print("thread works")     timer = qtcore.qtimer()     timer.timeout.connect(timer_func)     timer.start(1000)     print(timer.remainingtime())     print(timer.isactive())  def timer_func():     print("timer works")  app = qtwidgets.qapplication(sys.argv) thread_instance = thread() thread_instance.start() thread_instance.exec_() sys.exit(app.exec_()) 

you're calling thread_func withn run method of thread, means timer create in function lives in thread's event loop. start threads event loop, must call it's exec_() method from within it's run method, not main thrad. in example here, app.exec_() never gets executed. make work, move exec_ call thread's run.

an additional problem timer gets destroyed when thread_func finishes. keep alive, must keep reference somewhere.

import sys pyqt5 import qtcore, qtwidgets  class thread(qtcore.qthread):     def __init__(self):         qtcore.qthread.__init__(self)      def run(self):         thread_func()         self.exec_()  timers = []  def thread_func():     print("thread works")     timer = qtcore.qtimer()     timer.timeout.connect(timer_func)     timer.start(1000)     print(timer.remainingtime())     print(timer.isactive())     timers.append(timer)  def timer_func():     print("timer works")  app = qtwidgets.qapplication(sys.argv) thread_instance = thread() thread_instance.start() sys.exit(app.exec_()) 


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