oop - Generic setter function for local properties in PHP -

i'm planning log modifications properties of object.

php has magic method __set overload attempts modify (private) properties outside object.

however, not apply inside object. is there way in php have generic setter function calls modify local propery of object?


class thing {   private $data;    public function editdata()   {     $this->data = 'edited';   }    function __magic($property, $value)   {     if ($property === 'data') {       print 'data being edited!';     }   }  } 

i want __magic function called before $data edited.

no, inside object properties accesible , don't need magic method. if want asign properties throw function, have slighty modification in code:

class thing {   private $data;    public function editdata()   {     $this->propertysetter('data', 'edited');   }    function propertysetter($property, $value)   {     if ($property === 'data') {       print 'data being edited!';     }     $this->$property = $value;    }  } 


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