objective c - Testing NSDocument -

i'm getting started unit testing , i'm wondering how correctly test nsdocument subclass?

in test setup can init document doesn't reflect how document setup when it's used app, iboutlet connections aren't made , critical messages such - (void)windowcontrollerdidloadnib:(nswindowcontroller *)acontroller aren't called.

so what's correct way initialized nsdocument object use in testing?

this how can start:

#import <cocoa/cocoa.h> #import <xctest/xctest.h> #import "document.h"  @interface documenttests : xctestcase {   document *document;   nswindowcontroller *controller } @end  @implementation documenttests  - (void)setup {   document = [[document alloc] init];   [document makewindowcontrollers];   controller = (nswindowcontroller *)[document windowcontrollers][0]; }  - (void)testloadingwindow {   xctassertnotnil(controller.window); }  - (void)testtextfieldoutletsisconnected {   [controller window];  //kick off window loading   xctassertnotnil(document.textfield); }   //for asynchronous testing use xctestexpectation   //[self expectationwithdescription:@"expectations"];   //[self waitforexpectationswithtimeout:3.0 handler:nil]; 

correct approach: not put ui stuff document (windowcontrollerdidloadnib) if want test it. single responsibility. how? implement makewindowcontrollers

- (void)makewindowcontrollers {   customwindowcontroller *controller = [[customwindowcontroller alloc] init];   [self addwindowcontroller:controller]; } 

from window controller can access document anytime

- (customdocument *)document {   return [self document]; } 


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