idl programming language - Call an IDL routine from command line in Windows and prevent (or ignore) popup dialog boxes -

i've written short script (in language, happens python) passes arguments command line follows -

ildrt <path/filename.sav> -args p1 p2 --o1 --o2 

where p, o positional , optional arguments respectively (obvious). point, script calls idl routine number of times. each time, idl virtual machine loaded, idl routine runs until completion, rinse , repeat.

unfortunately if error occurs in idl routine execution dialog box popup , halt program execution until manually clicked. since idea run batch process want ignore dialog boxes, (accepting error), , continue next run. thoughts on preferences or optional commands can run idl prevent popups? in advance.

i guess i'm not following. can't pass flag program , check flag before popping dialog in code? if don't have access .pro code, don't think can prevent popups.


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