Toggle inside toggle for Google Maps -

i've made google map show location @ beginning 1 marker. there have possibility switch location. show new location 1 marker.

aside location switching it's possible select sub locations each of 2 main locations.

i thought making 2 vars ( each location 1) best thing [example]:

var locationsberlin = [     ['berlin 1', 52.519433,13.406746, 1],     ['berlin 2', 52.522606,13.40366, 2],     ['berlin 3', 52.52113,13.409411, 3],     ['berlin 4', 52.517043,13.402394, 4],     ['berlin 5', 52.51703,13.412801, 5],     ['berlin 6', 52.525086,13.399798, 6],     ['berlin 7', 52.525151,13.410741, 7] ]; 

this how select "main" location.

markermain = new google.maps.marker({         position: new google.maps.latlng(locationsberlin[0][1], locationsberlin[0][2]),         map: map,         icon: custompin     }); 

the rest of array sublocations. want user able press link , show rest of locations in var (the amount of locations dynamic).

so tried make function called after clicking toggle link.

function sublocationberlin(){     alert("berlin sub");     (i = 1; < locationsberlin.length; i++) {         marker = new google.maps.marker({             position: new google.maps.latlng(locationsberlin[i][1], locationsberlin[i][2]),             map: map         });         markers.push(marker);     } } 

but i'm stuck. reason it's not adding markers map , don't know what's wrong.

over here can find fiddle:

your map variable (the 1 initialized , displaying map) local initialize function:

var map = new'map-canvas'), mapoptions); 

remove "var" in front of initialize global version.

note javascript arrays 0 based, missing first marker when initialize 1 in loops

function sublocationberlin(){     console.log('berlin sub called');     (i = 1; < locationsberlin.length; i++) {         marker = new google.maps.marker({             position: new google.maps.latlng(locationsberlin[i][1], locationsberlin[i][2]),             map: map         });         markers.push(marker);         console.log(marker);     } } 


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