Quartz.net with MVC -

i initializing quartz inside application_start() in globals.asax.cs followed:

// construct scheduler factory         ischedulerfactory schedfact = new stdschedulerfactory();         ischeduler sched = schedfact.getscheduler();         sched.start();          ijobdetail dailyusermailjob = new jobdetailimpl("dailyusermailjob", null, typeof(dailyusermail));         // fire every daye         itrigger dailyusermailtrigger = new simpletriggerimpl("dailyusermailtrigger", 1,                                                  new timespan(1, 0, 0, 0));         sched.schedulejob(dailyusermailjob, dailyusermailtrigger); 

the job should run once day, problem is, runs everytime hit website.

any ideas ?

the job should run once day

then shouldn't launched web application. should console application that's run on scheduler, or perhaps windows service.

a web application is, design, request/response system. it's not suited ongoing background tasks or scheduled offline tasks. because have no control on when application "starts" or "is running." web server controls when managing resources, , can stop/restart web application number of reasons.


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