NullpointerException when using multiple @Before in Cucumber-jvm -

i using cucumber-jvm.

i have init method initialize necessary stuff, such browser dimensions, application url etc. have put init method under @before (cucumber.api) tag.

    @before public void initloginpage() throws exception {     getbrowserdimension();     setbrowsercapabilities();     init(getapplicationurl()); } 

my life fine running smoothly. now, wanted use @before tags @ scenario levels. scenario looks like:

@mytag when blah should blah-blah 

and wanted use like:

@before(@mytag) public void beforescenario(){   blah = true; } 

but moment give @before, starts giving nullpointerexception. tracked runbeforehooks , runhookiftagsmatch methods in cucumber's runtime class. throwing exception @before (for initloginpage()) itself. there conflict getting created multiple @before's? how can resolve this?

i found solution working. problem of @before codes getting picked in random order. wasn't based on assumption @before without parameters executed before @before("mytag").

so trick assign order parameter (in @before) value. default order gets assigned @before 10000. so, if define order value explicitly, should work.

so basically, code initializer like:

@before(order=1) public void initloginpage() throws exception {   getbrowserdimension();   setbrowsercapabilities();   init(getapplicationurl()); } 

that solved problem


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