How Can I Incorporate my WordPress Blogs into an iOS app? -

how can incorporate wordpress blogs ios app? have beautiful word press site , want create native ios app. have knowledge of coding ios, don't know how go showing latest blogs in beautiful way.

thanks in advance!

there many ways can achieve that. here list of things need in order make ios app wordpress blog:

1) need parse data wordpress blog display inside ios app. can parsing blog's rss feed can parse json.

2) if planning parse rss feed, use nsxmlparser that. there other third party libraries available parse xml feeds suggest go built in nsxmlparser there plenty of available online it.

3) if planning parse json data, install feed json plugin on wordpress blog. once installed, can go json data. (you can replace blog's url)

4) connect web services xml feed , json on blog, can use third party libraries afnetworking or can use apple's built in libraries nsurlconnection , other classes connect , download data webservice.

5) here easy tutorials steps above. how use nsurlconnection, how fetch json or how parse rss nsxmlparser

you can start app completing above steps , getting started.

6) after 1 of important thing download images asynchronously in uitableviewcells displaying blog posts. suggest download video stanford university's ios programming course on itunes u shows how or can find tutorials or questions on stackoverflow.

7) have create uiwebview , when row of blog post inside uitableview tapped, can use link segue in uiwebview show actual blog post. can use didselectrowatindexpath in order pass data between view controllers.

8) below view controller contains uiwebview, can add functions stop, refresh, sharing on facebook , twitter etc.

9) can see lot of work , business people think easy develop ios app truth takes time package app , submit app store. can outsource project using service convert wordpress blog ios app free if share revenue them choice , recommend code have complete ownership of app.

rest matter of choice of different functions make in app stand out rest. can add facebook style sliding navigation controller on left side create , parse specific categories on blog, can use flipboard style swiping in web view etc etc. stuff there lot of third party libraries available.

hope helps!


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