Targeting multiple screen sizes in android...How to? -

i creating layouts targeting application screen sizes , densities (including tablets 7,9.1 , 10 inches). have few queries haven't been able understand though after reading documentation. currently, have made 4 layouts namely layout-large,*normal*,small,*-sw320dp* , -sw480dp. confused images densities.

i referring image android provides default (ic_launcher.png under drawable-hdpi, drawable-ldpi, drawable-mdpi, drawable-xhdpi , drawable-xxhdpi.) have made sample layout taken image view , given src ic_launcher.png. however, image not displayed on device or emulator.

  1. do need specify different sized images? if so, in folders? because layouts larger screens should take larger images.
  2. do hdpi, ldpi, , mdpi imply similar sized images different density or images different sizes only?
  3. also in case of layout larger screen, should refer drawables large sized images (if taking small, medium, large images), or android take drawable-hdpi?

you need put images in right folder: using hdpi + mdpi + xhdpi + xxhdpi

ldpi 1% of android devices , should not make them.

you can create different layouts larger screens

read here more info


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