xcode - Reading a file in C++ in one block, can't output the contents -

i wrote simple program read contents of text file in 1 block , save buffer display contents of buffer size of buffer, although compiled exact code in windows 7 working fine whenever compile on mac there no buffer output @ size of buffer returning -1, iam not getting error during compilation

myfile.txt content

hello world !!!

a b c d e f g h ... z

a b c d e f g h ... z

my code

#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string>  using namespace std;  int main () {     fstream myfile;     myfile.open("mytext.txt");      myfile.seekg(0,ios::end);     long int size =  myfile.tellg();     myfile.clear();     myfile.seekg(0,ios::beg);      char* buffer = new (nothrow) char[size];      myfile.read(buffer,size);      myfile.close();       (int = 1; < size;i++ )          if ((buffer[i]>= 65 && buffer[i] <=90) || (buffer[i] >= 97 && buffer[i] <= 122) ||       buffer[i] == ' ' || buffer[i]== '\n')               cout << buffer[i];     cout << size;      delete [] buffer;      getchar();      return 0; 

i checked file reading operation via:

if(myfile.good() == false)     cout << "error openning file \n"; if(myfile.bad() == true)     cout << "read/writing error on i/o operation \n"; if (myfile.fail() == true)     cout <<"logical error on i/o operation \n"; 

my output :

error openning file

logical error on i/o operation


my guess not opening file: worked in windows because filename not case sensitive, while on mac is. (and anyway, saying file called myfile.txt , in program opening mytext.txt)

check file has been correctly opened.


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