vb.net - geometries for ESRI UNION REST call -

the union json structure example shows 2 geoms, 1 x , other y points. real?

the doc says geoms other rest calls.

what trying merge 2 (or more) polygons (adjacent parcels) using geometryserver union. think passing 2 geoms in correctly 1 of polygons returned.

my overarching goal draw 1000' buffer around multiple parcels. can draw buffer around single parcel need buffer both (or more) together. perhaps need union buffers?

am using wrong service?

i not using java libraries making httprequest rest calls vb.net.


i did union on first 2 parcels used for..loop union result each remaining parcel.

here portion of code performs union:

    dim sgeom string = ""     dim url string = "http://servername/arcgis/rest/services/utilities/geometry/geometryserver/union"     dim sdata string = "?sr=4251&geometries={|geometrytype|:|esrigeometrypolygon|,|geometries|:[geom1,geom2]}&f=json".replace("|", """")     sdata = sdata.replace("geom1", geom1).replace("geom2", geom2)     sdata = sdata.replace("sr=4251", "sr=" & sr)     sdata = sdata.replace("""", "%22").replace("[", "%5b").replace("]", "%5d").replace("{", "%7b").replace("}", "%7d").replace(":", "%3a").replace(",", "%2c")      sgeom = ""     sgeom = postrequest(url & sdata) 


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