Timing a process with windows batch script -

hi , in advance,

i newbie @ developing batch files trying write bat file right create , write ldif file. starting off simple 1st. need time process may more complicated , may need software comparisons later (such bat vs. java later).

right got this:

@ echo "ldif generator" @ echo off :: *** enter file here "within double quotes" set filename="test.ldif" :: *** if file exists, erase previous content ::if exist %filename% echo erase file >%filename%  echo hello>%filename% echo created ldif file %filename%   set /a sum = 0 /l %%a in (1,1,5) (     echo %%a>>%filename%  set a/ sum =  "%sum% + %%a" ) echo sum %sum% pause 

i trying figure out how add numbers , time process.

it gives me output far:

hello 1  set a/ sum =  0 + 1 2  set a/ sum =  0 + 2 3  set a/ sum =  0 + 3 4  set a/ sum =  0 + 4 5  set a/ sum =  0 + 5 

and on cmd sum "0"

i trying show current iterate sum , echo sum @ end , time takes that.

@echo off &setlocal set /a sum = 0 /l %%a in (1,1,5) (     set /a sum+=%%a ) echo sum %sum% 

sum 15 


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