haskell - Composing function composition: How does (.).(.) work? -

(.) takes 2 functions take one value , return value:

(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> -> c 

since (.) takes two arguments, feel (.).(.) should invalid, it's fine:

(.).(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> a1 -> b) -> -> a1 -> c 

what going on here? realize question badly worded...all functions take 1 argument currying. maybe better way types don't match up.

let's first play typechecker mechanical proof. i'll describe intuitive way of thinking afterward.

i want apply (.) (.) , i'll apply (.) result. first application helps define equivalences of variables.

((.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> -> c)        ((.) :: (b' -> c') -> (a' -> b') -> a' -> c')        ((.) :: (b'' -> c'') -> (a'' -> b'') -> a'' -> c'')  let b = (b' -> c')      c = (a' -> b') -> a' -> c'  ((.) (.) :: (a -> b) -> -> c)        ((.) :: (b'' -> c'') -> (a'' -> b'') -> a'' -> c'') 

then begin second, stuck quickly...

let = (b'' -> c'') 

this key: want let b = (a'' -> b'') -> a'' -> c'', defined b, instead must try unify --- match our 2 definitions best can. fortunately, do match

unify b = (b' -> c') =:= (a'' -> b'') -> a'' -> c'' implies        b' = a'' -> b''       c' = a'' -> c'' 

and definitions/unifications can continue application

((.) (.) (.) :: (b'' -> c'') -> (a' -> b') -> (a' -> c')) 

then expand

((.) (.) (.) :: (b'' -> c'') -> (a' -> a'' -> b'') -> (a' -> a'' -> c'')) 

and clean up

substitute b'' -> b            c'' -> c            a'  ->            a'' -> a1  (.).(.) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> a1 -> b) -> (a -> a1 -> c) 

which, honest, bit of counterintuitive result.

here's intuition. first take @ fmap

fmap :: (a -> b) -> (f -> f b) 

it "lifts" function functor. can apply repeatedly

fmap.fmap.fmap :: (functor f, functor g, functor h)                 => (a -> b) -> (f (g (h a)) -> f (g (h b))) 

allowing lift function deeper , deeper layers of functors.

it turns out data type (r ->) functor.

instance functor ((->) r)    fmap = (.) 

which should pretty familiar. means fmap.fmap translates (.).(.). thus, (.).(.) letting transform parametric type of deeper , deeper layers of (r ->) functor. (r ->) functor reader monad, layered readers having multiple independent kinds of global, immutable state.

or having multiple input arguments aren't being affected fmaping. sort of composing new continuation function on "just result" of (>1) arity function.

it's worth noting if think stuff interesting, forms core intuition behind deriving lenses in control.lens.


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