c# - System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting charts are not displaying on IE8 -

i created chart using system.web.ui.datavisualization.charting. charts displayed on google chrome , safari. not visible on windows xp ie8. don't know how fix this.

here's code snippet on creation of charts.

<img src="/convertfiles/createactualsvsforecastchart/?actuals=@(thismonth)&forecast=@(prevmonth)" />  public fileresult createactualsvsforecastchart(string actuals, string forecast, string chartname)     {         //ilist<resultmodel> peoples = _resultservice.getresults();         if (actuals.equals(""))             actuals = "0";         if (forecast.equals(""))             forecast = "0";         chart chart = new chart();         chart.width = 350;         chart.height = 400;         chart.backcolor = color.fromargb(211, 223, 240);         chart.borderlinedashstyle = chartdashstyle.solid;         chart.backgradientstyle = gradientstyle.topbottom;         chart.borderlinewidth = 1;         chart.palette = chartcolorpalette.brightpastel;         chart.borderlinecolor = color.fromargb(26, 59, 105);         chart.rendertype = rendertype.binarystreaming;         chart.borderskin.skinstyle = borderskinstyle.emboss;         chart.antialiasing = antialiasingstyles.all;         chart.textantialiasingquality = textantialiasingquality.normal;         chart.titles.add(createtitle(chartname));         chart.legends.add(createlegend());          chart.series.add(createseries4(new list<chartkeyvalue>()             {                 new chartkeyvalue(){ lable = "forecast", value = convert.todouble(forecast), iscurrent=true},             }, seriescharttype.column, "forecast", "pink"));          chart.series.add(createseries4(new list<chartkeyvalue>()             {                 new chartkeyvalue(){ lable = "actual", value = convert.todouble(actuals), iscurrent=true}             }, seriescharttype.column, "actual", "blue"));          chart.chartareas.add(createchartarea());          memorystream ms = new memorystream();         chart.saveimage(ms);         return file(ms.getbuffer(), @"image/png");     } 

any ideas on what's causing not displayed on ie8? thanks.

after going mad this, found ie8 doesn't resize parent container when chart being created. need put explicitly in dom. example:

<div> <asp:chart id="chart1" runat="server" suppressexceptions="true" width="1000px" height="600px"> </asp:chart> </div> 

will not render in ie8 (the div's width 0px), but:

<div style="width: 1100px"> <asp:chart id="chart1" runat="server" suppressexceptions="true" width="1000px" height="600px"> </asp:chart> </div> 

will. set container width pixel greater chart width.


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