ios - perform user signup on the current thread (signUp:) and retrieving the NSError -

i have call parse's user signup method on current thread, not background thread it's being called on background thread. -(bool)signup method isn't enough bool response if registration successful or not, have handle potential errors.

i've noticed method -(bool)signup:(nserror **)error current ios programming skills not there yet when comes understanding how use :)

here signup: documentation

i've tried adding property user object called nserror *latesterror , hoping call mentioned method , put nserror returned value can handle errors on main thread:

-(bool)registeruser{     pfuser *newuser = [pfuser user];     newuser.username = self.username;     newuser.password = self.password;     return [newuser signup:self.lasterror]; // error } 

but error:

implicit conversion of objective-c ponter 'nserror *__autoreleasing *' disallowed arc

any ideas how make work method or alternative ways achieve same result?

you have pass reference nserror object.. parse process , if error there update error object appropriate error.

you new code should like

-(bool)registeruser{     nserror *error = nil;     pfuser *newuser = [pfuser user];     newuser.username = self.username;     newuser.password = self.password;     [newuser signup:&error]; // error      if( error != nil)     {       //log error or show alert       return no;     }      return yes;   } 


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