amazon web services - Mysql Not Working When Inserting via Bash Commands, but Working When Inserted Manuall -

so working mysql database on aws(amazon web services) , have found there seems problem when added parameter group it.

without parameter group can use in bash script , insert correct table

mysql -h portal-rds -u $user --password=$mysqlpw <<query_input use glacier; insert test values ('anna'); query_input 

with parameter group above part not work , yet can manually log in , insert values want.

has had problems before?

fyi has nothing security group, database in same security group before added new parameter group it.

ok after going on more documentation found mysql has commit call , can turn auto commit off , found in parameter group has auto-commit off. might need code looks

mysql -h portal-rds -u $user --password=$mysqlpw <<query_input use glacier; insert test values ('anna'); commit; query_input 

thank guys trying help


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