ios - Can't get EAAccessoryDidConnectNotification after connection -

i can detect mfi compliant chip in list of bluetooth devices (from iphone 5c) once connection established not notification eaaccessorydidconnectnotification ... use demo eademo proposed apple. can me issue ?

i have test showbluetoothaccessorypickerwithnamefilter, ,

btm: connection service 0x00000080 on device "brain_wt12_2" 00:07:80:99:ee:4c succeeded.

so, why don't eaaccessorydidconnectnotification notifications?

here code :

- (void)viewdidload {  [[eaaccessorymanager sharedaccessorymanager] showbluetoothaccessorypickerwithnamefilter:nil completion:nil];  [[nsnotificationcenter defaultcenter] addobserver:self selector:@selector(_accessorydidconnect:) name:eaaccessorydidconnectnotification object:nil]; [[nsnotificationcenter defaultcenter] addobserver:self selector:@selector(_accessorydiddisconnect:) name:eaaccessorydiddisconnectnotification object:nil]; [[eaaccessorymanager sharedaccessorymanager] registerforlocalnotifications]; 



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