angularjs - Not able to run grunt-karma from jenkins -

i using grunt-karma launch angular unit test .when preform task on command prompt working fine when configure same jenkins not able open firefox window .can tell me issue .below config files

--karma config

basepath = '../';  files = [   mocha,   mocha_adapter,   'test/lib/angular/chai.js',   'scripts/angular.js',   'scripts/angular-*.js',   'test/lib/angular/angular-mocks.js',   'scripts/controllerfortest.js',   'scripts/controllerfortestmodule.js',   'scripts/logloader.js',   'scripts/app.js',   'test/unit/**/*.js' ];  autowatch = false; singlerun = true;  browsers = ['firefox'];  junitreporter = {   outputfile: 'test_out/unit.xml',   suite: 'unit' }; 

grunt task --

karma: {             unit: {                 configfile: 'config/karma.conf.js'             }         }, 

jenkins log --

e:\medicineshopinvetory\medicineshopinventory\medicineshopinventory>grunt [4mrunning "clean:src" (clean) task[24m cleaning "release"...[32mok[39m  [4mrunning "uglify:dist" (uglify) task[24m file "release/app.min.js" created.  [4mrunning "cssmin:minify" (cssmin) task[24m file release/doc.min.css created.  [4mrunning "karma:unit" (karma) task[24m [32minfo [karma]: [39mkarma server started @ http://localhost:9876/ [32minfo [launcher]: [39mstarting browser firefox [33mwarn [launcher]: [39mfirefox have not captured in 60000 ms, killing. [32minfo [launcher]: [39mtrying start firefox again. 

how running jenkins? if you're running on headless server, it's possible never started headless display xvfb, , if have, haven't exported display.


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