database - Sqlite3 Adding Columns -

i'm working django , added new model variable meaning need column in sqlite3 data base.

i have heard i'm supposed use sqlite> , confused when start use it. so, if part of solution, can specific on do?


more info:

my app called "livestream" & , class "stream" added model "channel"

returns ----> databaseerror: table livestream_stream has no column named channel

you can alter table add new column in sqlite3 not rename nor drop it. sqlite3 useful database bootstrapping app. sooner or later, need change more robust/flexible database engine, mysql or postgresql.

every time add new column models using sqlite, need recreate schema (as far know, when migrations sqlite add new columns, south complaints. see below). approach more use mysql django-south beginning, i'm not sure every aspect of database.

django south app doing database migrations. it's useful , the docs starting point beginners.

every time should make modifications database, should consider them migrations , use south.

hope helps!


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