Can't set custom font for pdf for PdfContentByte - DroidText/iText library -

i'm trying use custom font, don't error doesn't take account.

rectangle pagesize = basepdf.getpagesize(i);  pdfcontentbyte pdfcontentbyte = stamper.getovercontent(i);  // use custom font if (!fontfactory.isregistered(futura_light)) {     filehelper.copyfilefromassetstointernalstorage(mcontext, font_path_in_assets);     fontfactory.register(mcontext.getfilesdir() + "/" + font_path_in_assets, futura_light); } font myfont = fontfactory.getfont(futura_light); basefont font = myfont.getbasefont();  pdfcontentbyte.savestate();  pdfcontentbyte.stroke(); pdfcontentbyte.restorestate(); // start add text pdfcontentbyte.begintext(); pdfcontentbyte.setfontandsize(font, 6); if (fontcolor != null) {     pdfcontentbyte.setcolorfill(fontcolor); }  pdfcontentbyte.showtextaligned(pdfcontentbyte.align_center, message, pagesize.getwidth() / 2, 40, 0); pdfcontentbyte.endtext(); 

i've checked , font indeed registered, doesn't apply pdf.

i found accident, trying display accents adding basefont.identity_h

here's line changed:

font myfont = fontfactory.getfont(futura_light, basefont.identity_h); 


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