create basic controls on windows phone using marmalade sdk 6.3.1 -

i want design sample form in windows phone 8 below screen shot:

enter image description here

below code hello world example

// include header files s3e (core system) , iwgx (rendering) modules #include "s3e.h" #include "iwgx.h"  // standard c-style entry point. can take args if required. int main() {     // initialise iwgx drawing module     iwgxinit();      // set background colour (opaque) blue     iwgxsetcolclear(0, 0, 0xff, 0xff);      // loop forever, until user or os performs action quit app     while(!s3edevicecheckquitrequest()           && !(s3ekeyboardgetstate(s3ekeyesc) & s3e_key_state_down)           && !(s3ekeyboardgetstate(s3ekeyabsbsk) & s3e_key_state_down)           )     {         // clear surface         iwgxclear();          // use built-in font display string @ coordinate (120, 150)         iwgxprintstring(120, 150, "hello, world!");          // standard egl-style flush of drawing surface         iwgxflush();          // standard egl-style flipping of double-buffers         iwgxswapbuffers();          // sleep 0ms allow os process events etc.         s3edeviceyield(0);     }      // shut down iwgx drawing module     iwgxterminate();      // return     return 0; } 

i tried lots of search how create button , textbox , add listener button using c++ code on marmalade sdk didn't find thing 1 me appreciated.

you need use iwui api. check examples came marmalade sdk or use launchpad. there're nicely commented examples demonstrate use of iwui , if want native looking controls can try iwnui too. iwnui module not yet added windows 8 platform due bug, added soon.


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