c# - Efficient List Ordering -

i testing whats best algorithm order list key value.

i have simple object (following code snippets c#)

class basicobject { int key; } 

the key gets randomly set when constructing object.

so have list of basicobject objects needs ordered key value in end.

list<basicobject> basiclist = new list<basicobject>(); (int = 0; < someamount; i++) { basiclist.add(new basicobject()); } 

my idea was, make new list called orderedlist or so, , loop through every time, every basicobject, , check whether key higher current value or lower. that:

list<basicobject> orderedlist = new list<basicobject>(); bool objectwasinserted = false; orderedlist.add(basiclist[0]); // inserting 1 object reference upcoming loop  (int = 1; < someamount; i++) { objectwasinserted = false;  (int c = 0; c < orderedlist.count; c++) {  if (basiclist[i].key > orderedlist[c].key) // key of current object higher key of current object of ordered list { orderedlist.insert(c, basiclist[i]); objectwasinserted = true; break; }  }  if (!objectwasinserted) { orderedlist.add(basiclist[i]); } } 

even though works, way slow. tested 50000 objects takes 8 seconds.

the linq method orderby faster.

orderedlist = basiclist.orderbydescending(x => x.key).tolist(); 

takes 7 milli seconds 50000 objects!

however, helper method, want away , rather use own algorithm order list of objects key.

i tried linkedlist instead of normal list. little bit faster, still far away linq method.

so there way, speed ordering of objects little? :)

thanks help, in advance!!

if don't want use linq (which looks strange me), can use list<t>.sort:

basiclist.sort((o1,o2) => o1.key.compareto(o2.key)); 

note: method modify original list instead of creating new one.


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