spreadsheet - Make a Copy of a Google Spreadhseet retaining all formats but copy only values -

i need create monthly archive of scorecard spreadsheet. archived file must retain formatting (borders, colours, col width etc) have values. in other words, no formulas must copy across, results.

i able make copy of spreadsheet , append date name formulas copied across well. use following code called ui:

function archivesc(e){   var archiveextension = " "+e.parameter.archiveext;   var root = docslist.getrootfolder()   var archivefolder = docslist.getfolder('scorecard archives');   var archivefile = docslist.getfilebyid(spreadsheetapp.getactivespreadsheet().getid()).makecopy(spreadsheetapp.getactivespreadsheet().getname() + archiveextension);   archivefile.addtofolder(archivefolder);   archivefile.removefromfolder(root);    var archiveapp = uiapp.getactiveapplication();   archiveapp.close()   return archiveapp; 

is there function or code can add ensure formats copied , values.


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