json - .ajax call returns undefine in .net? -

i trying build vb.net web app using mongodb database. app needs consuming web service , return json string. used data source kendo ui chart.

my web service:-

    imports mongodb.bson     imports mongodb.driver     imports mongodb.driver.builders     imports system.web.services     imports system.web.services.protocols     imports system.web.script.services     'imports system.web.script.serialization     imports system.componentmodel     imports system.io     imports ajaxcontroltoolkit      ' allow web service called script, using asp.net ajax,'uncomment following line.     <system.web.script.services.scriptservice()> _     <system.web.services.webservice(namespace:="http://tempuri.org/")> _     <system.web.services.webservicebinding(conformsto:=wsiprofiles.basicprofile1_1)> _     <global.microsoft.visualbasic.compilerservices.designergenerated()> _ public class webservice_bufferfile     inherits system.web.services.webservice     dim connectionstring string = "mongodb://localhost"     dim client = new mongoclient(connectionstring)     <webmethod()> _     public function bufferfile_power(byval userid integer, byval databasename string, byval collection string, byval filedate datetime, byval filename string) string     '<scriptmethod(responseformat:=responseformat.json, usehttpget:=false)> _     'runner = mongo2go.mongodbrunner.start()     'runner.import(strdatabase, strcollection, importfilepath, false)     'mongoimportexport.import("c:\mongodb\bin\", 27017, strdatabase, strcollection, importfilepath, false)      dim importfilepath string = "e:\scada\raw\" & databasename & "\" & collection & "\" & format(filedate, "yyyy") & "\buffer\" & filename & ""     if file.exists(importfilepath)         dim importprocess new process()         importprocess.startinfo.useshellexecute = true         importprocess.startinfo.createnowindow = true         importprocess.startinfo.workingdirectory = "c:\mongodb\bin"         importprocess.startinfo.filename = "mongoimport.exe"         importprocess.startinfo.arguments = " --db " & databasename & " --collection " & collection & "_" & format(filedate, "yymmdd") & "_" & userid & " --type csv --file " & importfilepath & " --headerline"         importprocess.start()         importprocess.waitforexit(1500)         importprocess.dispose()     else         return 0         exit function     end if     dim server = client.getserver()     dim database = server.getdatabase(databasename)     dim usercollection = collection & "_" & format(filedate, "yymmdd") & "_" & userid     dim docs mongocursor = database.getcollection(usercollection).findall()     docs.setsortorder(sortby.ascending("timestamp"))     docs.setfields(fields.include("timestamp", "converter_ul1", "converter_ul2", "converter_ul3", "converter_i1", "converter_i2", "converter_i3").exclude("_id"))     docs.setlimit(3000)     dim jsonstring = docs.tojson     if docs.count > 0         docs.database.dropcollection(usercollection)     end if     'dim jsonsearializer new javascriptserializer()     'return jsonsearializer.serialize(jsonstring)     'return 234     return jsonstring      end function end class 

html page:-

<link href="css/kendo.common.min.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="css/kendo.dataviz.min.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <link href="css/kendo.default.min.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript"> </script> <script src="scripts/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script> <script src="scripts/kendo.all.min.js"></script> <table border="0" align="center">     <tr>         <td class="auto-style1" >             <div id="bufferpowerchart" class="k-content">             <div class="powerchart-wrapper" style="margin: auto;">                 <div id="powerchart"></div>             </div>                 <script>                     function createpowerchart() {                         $.ajax(                         {                             type: 'post',                             url: '/webservice_bufferfile.asmx/bufferfile_power',                             contenttype: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',                             datatype: 'json',                             data: '{"userid":174,"databasename":"chitradurga","collection":"nslhk-06","filedate":"05/05/2013","filename":"nslhk-06_b130505_1819.txt"}',                             async: false,                             success: onsuccess,                             error: onerror                         });                          function onsuccess(powerchartdata) {                             alert(powerchartdata.d);                             var powerchartdatasource = json.parse(powerchartdata.d);                             $("#powerchart").kendochart({                                 title: {                                     text: "power"                                 },                                 legend: {                                     visible: true,                                     position: "bottom"                                 },                                 datasource: powerchartdatasource,                                 series: [{                                     type: "line",                                     field: "converter_ul1",                                     name: "converter_ul1"                                 }, {                                     type: "line",                                     field: "converter_ul2",                                     name: "converter_ul2"                                 }, {                                     type: "line",                                     field: "converter_ul3",                                     name: "converter_ul3"                                 }, {                                     type: "line",                                     field: "converter_i1",                                     name: "converter_i1"                                 }, {                                     type: "line",                                     field: "converter_i2",                                     name: "converter_i2"                                 }, {                                     type: "line",                                     field: "converter_i3",                                     name: "converter_i3"                                 }],                                 categoryaxis: {                                     field: "timestamp",                                     labels: {                                         rotation: -5                                     },                                     majorgridlines: {                                         visible: true                                     }                                 },                                 valueaxis: {                                     max: 1500,                                     line: {                                         visible: true                                     },                                     majorunit:100,                                     minorgridlines: {                                         visible: true                                     }                                 },                                 tooltip: {                                     visible: true,                                     template: "#= series.name #: #= value #"                                 }                             });                         }                         function onerror(msg) {                             alert('error = ' + msg.d);                         }                     }                     $(document).ready(function () {                         //debugger;                         settimeout(function () {                             createpowerchart();                         }, 500);                     });             </script>             <style scoped>                 .powerchart-wrapper, .powerchart-wrapper .k-chart {                     height: 520px; width:850px;                 }             </style>             </div>         </td>     </tr>         </table> 

any appreciated.


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