jQuery Upload to S3 with PHP - Error -

i using jquery file upload plugin on wordpress site. modified of events, when file uploaded, value of hidden fields change, passed upon submission backend , creates custom post type in wordpress data.

i went implement php script instead uploads files s3 bucket. works fine, except error in frontend, , won't complete task of updating hidden values full file urls.

here script:

$(function() {     var url = '<?php echo plugins_url(); ?>/jquery-file-upload/server/php/',     id = '#upload<?php echo $i; ?>';      $(id + ' .fileupload').fileupload({         url: url,         datatype: 'json',         <?php         // images , pdfs         if ($i == 1) {         ?>           acceptfiletypes: /(\.|\/)(gif|jpe?g|png|pdf)$/i,         <?php         // images         } else {         ?>           acceptfiletypes: /(\.|\/)(gif|jpe?g|png)$/i,         <?php } ?>         maxfilesize: 5000000,         disableimageresize: /android(?!.*chrome)|opera/             .test(window.navigator && navigator.useragent),         imagemaxwidth: 800,         imagemaxheight: 800,         previewmaxwidth: 100,         previewmaxheight: 100,         // previewcrop: true     }).on('fileuploadadd', function (e, data) {         data.context = $('<div/>').appendto(id + ' .files');         $.each(data.files, function (index, file) {             var node = $('<p/>').append($('<span/>').text('uploading...'));             origname = (file.name);             node.appendto(data.context);             $(id + ' .uploaderror').remove(); // remove error             $(id + ' .fileupload').hide(); // hide file upload             $(id + ' .progress').show(); // show progress             // cancel button             $(id + ' .files p span').append(' <a class="cancelupload">cancel</a>');             $(id + ' .cancelupload').click(function(e) {               // cancel upload               $(id + ' .progress').hide(); // hide progress               $(id + ' .fileupload').show(); // show file upload               $(id + ' div.files div').remove(); // remove divs               $(id + ' div.files').append('<span class="uploaderror">upload canceled</span>'); // canceled message               data.abort(); // abort upload             });         });     }).on('fileuploadprocessalways', function (e, data) {         var index = data.index,             file = data.files[index],             node = $(data.context.children()[index]);         if (file.error) {             $(id + ' .progress').hide(); // hide progress             $(id + ' div.files div').remove(); // remove divs             $(id + ' .cancelupload').remove(); // remove cancel message             $(id + ' .fileupload').show(); // show file upload             $(id + ' div.files').append('<span class="uploaderror">' + file.error + '</span>'); // error message         }     }).on('fileuploadprogressall', function (e, data) {         var progress = parseint(data.loaded / data.total * 100, 10);         $(id + ' .progress .bar').css(             'width',             progress + '%'         );         $(id + ' .progress .bar').text(progress + '%');     }).on('fileuploaddone', function (e, data) {             $(id + ' .progress').hide(); // hide progress         $(id + ' .cancelupload').remove(); // remove cancel message          $.each(data.result.files, function (index, file) {             $(data.context.children()[index]).text(origname);             $(data.context.children()[index]).append('&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="<?php echo plugins_url(); ?>/images/check.png" alt="successs" />');             $(id + ' .uploadurl').val(file.url);             $(data.context.children()[index]).append('<br><a class="remove">remove</a>');              // pdf or not?             if (file.type == 'application/pdf') {               $(id + ' .files p').prepend('<img class="uploadpreview" src="<?php echo plugins_url(); ?>/images/pdf.png" alt="pdf" />');             } else {               // must image ... preview thumbnail               $(id + ' .files p').prepend('<img class="uploadpreview" src="' + url + 'files/thumbnail/' + file.name + '" alt="pdf" />');             }         });         $(id + ' a.remove').click(function(e) {           // remove image           $(id + ' .uploadurl').val(''); // remove value of hidden field           $(id + ' div.files div').remove(); // remove divs           $(id + ' .fileupload').show(); // show file upload         });     }).on('fileuploadfail', function (e, data) {         $.each(data.result.files, function (index, file) {             var error = $('<span/>').text(file.error);             $(data.context.children()[index])                 .append(error);         });     }); }); 

it breaks on line:

$.each(data.result.files, function (index, file) { 

uncaught typeerror: cannot read property 'length' of undefined

data.result.files undefined, should make corrections in initialization. if data.result.files array, able iterate each().


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