c# - passing json values to highcharts from .net code behind -

var javascriptxvalue= $.parsejson($("#hdnxaxis").val()); var javascriptyvalue= $.parsejson($("#hdnyaxis").val());    $(document).ready(drawmygraph1);       function drawmygraph1() {         chart = new highcharts.chart(        {         chart: {             type: 'column',             renderto: 'container3',             defaultseriestype: 'area'          },         title: {             text: ''         },         subtitle: {             text: ''         },         xaxis: {             categories: javascriptxvalue,             labels: {                 enabled: false             }         },         yaxis: {             title: {                 text: 'no of patients'             }         },          credits: {             enabled: false         },         tooltip: {             formatter: function () {                 return this.series.name + ' - ' + highcharts.numberformat(this.y, 0);             }         },         series: javascriptyvalue     });  } 

c# code void fastmovingstocksbarchart(string date1, string date2, string selperiod, string sql) { dataset dschart = new dataset(); dschart = _obj_mis.doctorpatientreportchart(date1, date2, selperiod,sql); list lstxaxis = new list(); list lstcolors = new list();

    lstcolors.add("#3366dd");     //lstcolors.add("#ffee22");     //lstcolors.add("#33bbcc");     lstcolors.add("#cc0022");     //lstcolors.add("#ff0000");     lstcolors.add("#339900");     lstcolors.add("#ff7700");     lstcolors.add("#33bbcc");     lstcolors.add("#99eeee");     lstcolors.add("#6699ff");     lstcolors.add("#9966bb");     lstcolors.add("#99bb66");     lstcolors.add("#ff7700");     lstcolors.add("#ffee22");     lstcolors.add("#ffcbb9");     lstcolors.add("eaec93");     lstcolors.add("d7fbe6");     lstcolors.add("ffcaca");      (int = 0; < dschart.tables[0].rows.count; i++)     {         lstxaxis.add(dschart.tables[0].rows[i]["doctor name"].tostring());      }     list<chartex> lstseries = new list<chartex>();     int count = 0;     (int = 0; < dschart.tables[0].rows.count; i++)     {          chartex oex = new chartex();         oex.name = dschart.tables[0].rows[i]["doctor name"].tostring();         //oex.data.add(convert.toint32(dschart.tables[0].rows[i]["patients"]));         oex.data = new list<int>() { convert.toint32(dschart.tables[0].rows[i]["patients"]) };         oex.color = lstcolors[count];         lstseries.add(oex);          count++;         if (count >= lstcolors.count)          count = 0;        }     //convert x axis data json     javascriptserializer oserializer1 = new javascriptserializer();     hdnxaxis.value = oserializer1.serialize(lstxaxis);         //convert y axis data json     javascriptserializer oserializer2 = new javascriptserializer();     hdnyaxis.value = oserializer1.serialize(lstseries); 


i not getting values "javascriptxvalue" , "javascriptyvalue" inside chart function

can me

regards prabhu

presumably, 'hdnxaxis' id of hiddenfieldcontrol server control? perhaps id not think

var javascriptxvalue= $.parsejson($("#"+ <%= hdnxaxis.clientid %>).val()); 

instead of passing strings via input, use server tags directly inject values page. this:

<%= "alert('" + mypublicproperty + "')" %> 

this should alert value of property defined in code behind. set js variable so:

<%= "var javascriptxvalue = '" + xproperty + "';"  %> 

you need run bit of code directly in aspx/ascx/razor page set variables though, think it's better relying on control particular id though.


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