python 2.7 - Horizontal scrolling won't activate for ttk Treeview widget -

i'm using ttk treeview widget implement folder/path selection dialog. it's working expected except horizontal scrollbar won't activate. no matter how wide folder path goes horizontally, , no matter how narrow window, horizontal slider never appears. vertical scrolling working though.

i'm figuring it's either kind of limitation when use 1 column in treeview, or newbie mistake configuring , connecting widgets. i'd bet on latter.

example dialog widened show full folder depth:

full width

dialog narrowed point horizontal scrolling should activate (but doesn't):

narrowed width

here's gui layout code:

windirsel = tk.toplevel() windirsel.title('select test directory...') tvwdirsel = ttk.treeview(windirsel,                          height=10,padding=3,                          show='tree') lbltestdir = tk.label(windirsel, relief=tk.sunken,                       justify=tk.left, anchor=tk.w,                       textvariable=ctrltestdir,width=80) scbhdirsel = ttk.scrollbar(windirsel,                            orient=tk.horizontal,                            command=tvwdirsel.xview) scbvdirsel = ttk.scrollbar(windirsel,                            orient=tk.vertical,                            command=tvwdirsel.yview) tvwdirsel.configure(xscrollcommand=scbhdirsel.set,                     yscrollcommand=scbvdirsel.set) lbltestdir.grid(row=0,column=0,sticky=tk.ew) tvwdirsel.grid(row=1,column=0,sticky=tk.nsew) scbvdirsel.grid(row=1,column=1,sticky=tk.ns) scbhdirsel.grid(row=2,column=0,sticky=tk.ew) windirsel.rowconfigure(1,weight=1) windirsel.columnconfigure(0,weight=1) 

ok, after playing minwidth , stretch, think have better handle on it. horizontal scrolling triggered column-edge going out of window's bounds, not content of column. can use these parameters force column wider , force scrolling.

the problem though lose automatic adjustment of column width suit width of tree itself. either have force wide accommodate (assumed) folder depth, or live folder names getting truncated @ right boundary of column.

so bottom line: it's limitation of widget itself. (at least respect behavior on platform, ms windows.)


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