php - jQuery ajaxForm complete works sometimes, other times it only fires a native javascript function then stops -

this may duplicate of this topic, must revive issue seems little deeper this. i'm using ajaxform() submit 4 question quiz php script, receive result, , populate div. beforesend function fires, sending information ajax.php script. beforesend shows loading graphic in quiz container. complete function fires ajax.php returns html populated dom. @ point, stops. next line call slideup loading div , display returned information in quizcontainer.

at point if put in javascript alert fires, meaning complete @ least firing when should, jquery reference loading div ignored. here's code javascript file handles submission - section handling "handle quiz submission":

$(document).ready(function () { // rid of message box after 15 seconds settimeout(function() {     $('#message').slideup('fast'); }, 10000);  // handle course list lis $('#courselist li').on('click', function () {     // background color it's set     var color = $(this).attr('ocolor');     jquery('div', this).toggle('slow', function () {         if ($(this).is(":hidden")) {             $(this).css('background-color', color);         }     });      // change background same content background when it's expanded     if ($(this).is(":hidden")) {         $(this).css('background-color', '#33cc66');     } else {         $(this).removeattr('style');     } });  // handle quiz submission jquery.fn.exists = function(){return this.length>0;} if ($('#quizform').exists()) {     $('#quizform').ajaxform({         beforesend: function() {             $('#quizcontainer').slideup('fast', function () {                 $('#loading').show();             });         },         complete: function(xhr, thestatus) {             alert(thestatus);             $('#loading').slideup('fast', function () {                 $('#quizcontainer').html(xhr.responsetext);                 $('#quizcontainer').show();             });         }     }); }  }); 

if necessary can provide more information , temporary login access if see in action. i'm using jquery 1.8.1(.)

thanks help! jon

i believe first argument of complete function xhr.responsetext rather xhr object third argument. try removing .responsetext complete: function.


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