c# - conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value executing stored procedure -

i have problem error title. error ocures when try execute stored procedure this:

create procedure [dbo].[inserttimedate]     @tablename nvarchar(28),     @timestamp datetime, declare @query nvarchar(max);  begin set @query = 'insert [' +@tablename+'] (timestamp) values ('''+convert(nvarchar, @timestamp, 20)+''')' exec (@query) end 

i execute c# code:

    dbcommand = new sqlcommand("inserttimedate", dbconnection);     dbcommand.commandtype = commandtype.storedprocedure;     dbcommand.parameters.addwithvalue("@tablename", "table_name");     dbcommand.parameters.addwithvalue("@timestamp", datetime.now);     dbcommand.executenonquery(); 

try style 126 in convert - that's iso-8601 format should work language/regional setting of sql server:

set @query = 'insert [' +@tablename+'] (timestamp) values (''' +              convert(nvarchar, @timestamp, 126) + ''')' exec (@query)  


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