AJAX won't POST to PHP (Non jQuery) -

i've searched , search , find jquery questions , fixes this. have 1 script setup works fine 1 not post post 3 values php script. i've tried force feed 3 set values i'm putting timestamp , dosn't work. i'm @ bit of loss.

this script generates different fields/inputs run updatecoupon()

        function updateform(formnum,id){             var str = 'edit-contents'+id;             switch( formnum )             {                 case 1:                     document.getelementbyid(str).innerhtml = "<div class='title-input'>promo title:<br><input type='text' size='25' maxlength='100' id='ptitle' name='ptitle'><input name='edit' type='button' class='editcoup' id='editcoup' value='edit' onclick='javascript:updatecoupon("+id+",1);'></div>";                     break;                  case 2:                     document.getelementbyid(str).innerhtml = "<div class='description-input'>promo description:<br><textarea maxlength='1256' cols='40' rows='5' id='pdescription' placeholder='use <br> insert line break' name='pdescription'></textarea><input name='edit' type='button' class='editcoup' id='editcoup'  value='edit' onclick='javascript:updatecoupon("+id+",2);'></div>";                     break;                  case 3:                     document.getelementbyid(str).innerhtml = "<div class='disclaimer-input'>promo disclaimer:<br><textarea maxlength='1256' cols='40' rows='5' id='pdisclaimer' placeholder='use <br> insert line break' name='pdisclaimer'></textarea><input name='edit' type='button' class='editcoup' id='editcoup' value='edit' onclick='javascript:updatecoupon("+id+",3);'></div>";                     break;                  case 4:                     document.getelementbyid(str).innerhtml = "<div class='expdate'>promo experation:<br><input type='text' size='25' maxlength='100' id='datepicker'  placeholder='dd-mm-yyyy' name='datepicker'><input name='edit' type='button' class='editcoup' id='editcoup' value='edit' onclick='javascript:updatecoupon("+id+",4);'></div>";                     break;                  case 5:                     document.getelementbyid(str).innerhtml = "<div class='image-input'>select promo image:<br><select id='picture' name='picture'><option value='' selected>select image...</option><option value='http://cws.dealerconnection.com/images/max.png'>battery max</option><option value='http://cws.dealerconnection.com/images/plus.png'>battery max</option><option value='http://cws.dealerconnection.com/images/brake.gif'>brakes</option><option value='http://cws.dealerconnection.com/images/checkup.png'>check list</option><option value='http://cws.dealerconnection.com/images/creditcards.gif'>ford credit card</option><option value='http://cws.dealerconnection.com/images/lptg.png'>low price tire gaurentee</option><option value='http://cws.dealerconnection.com/images/michelin.gif'>michelin</option><option value='http://cws.dealerconnection.com/images/works.png'>the works</option><option value='http://cws.dealerconnection.com/images/4tires.gif'>tires</option><option value='http://cws.dealerconnection.com/images/tr99.png'>tire brand logos</option><option value='http://cws.dealerconnection.com/images/wipers.png'>wiper blades</option><option value='http://cws.dealerconnection.com/images/fpseal.png'>warranty ford parts</option><option value='http://cws.dealerconnection.com/images/mcseal.png'>warranty motocraft</option></select><input name='edit' type='button' class='editcoup' id='editcoup' value='edit' onclick='javascript:updatecoupon("+id+",5';'></div>";                     break;                  default:                     alert("error:"+formnum);                 break;             }         }         </script> 


        var xmlhttp = '';          function createxmlhttprequest() {           if (window.activexobject) { xmlhttp = new activexobject("microsoft.xmlhttp"); }            else if (window.xmlhttprequest) { xmlhttp = new xmlhttprequest(); }         }          function updatecoupon(id,field)         {              var tempid = id;              switch( field )             {                 case '1':                     var updatefield = "headline";                     var title = form.ptitle.value;                     var querystr = "id=" + tempid + "&change=" + title + "&field=" +updatefield;                     break;                  case '2':                     var updatefield = "subhead";                     var desc = form.pdescription.value;                     var querystr = "id=" + tempid + "&change=" + desc + "&field=" +updatefield;                     break;                  case '3':                     var updatefield = "disclaimer";                     var disc = form.pdisclaimer.value;                     var querystr = "id=" + tempid + "&change=" + disc + "&field=" +updatefield;                     break;                  case '4':                     var updatefield = "couponexpires";                     var date = form.datepicker.value;                     var querystr = "id=" + tempid + "&change=" + date + "&field=" +updatefield;                     break;                  case '5':                                var updatefield = "graphics";                     var pic = form.picture.value;                     var querystr = "id=" + tempid + "&change=" + pic + "&field=" +updatefield;                     break;             }                  createxmlhttprequest();                var url = "/coupon_testing/ford_coupon_tool/php/couponedit.php?timestamp=" + new date().gettime();               xmlhttp.open("post", url, true);               xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () {                     if(xmlhttp.readystate == 4) {                     if(xmlhttp.status == 200) {                         var jresponse = xmlhttp.responsetext;                         if(jresponse != '')  {                             alert(jresponse);                         }                     }                   }                };                xmlhttp.setrequestheader("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");                  xmlhttp.send(querystr);         } 


        <?php             $ret = "error";             $id = $_post['id'];             $change = trim($_post['change']);             $field = trim($_post['field']);              include 'configuration.inc.php';             include 'connection.inc.php';             include 'db_functions.inc.php';         //set variables coupon setup form              if( $id != '' && $change != '' && $field != '' )             {                 //saving coupon database.                 $sql = "update ford_coupons set " . $field . "='" . addslashes($change)."' id='".addslashes($id)."' limit 1";                 execute_query($sql);                 $ret = $field." has been updated!";             }             // print $ret;             $str = "id=".$id.", change=".$change.", field=".$field;             print $str;         ?> 

can tell me issue here? been racking brain , of programmer friend , neither of know why not posting. thanks

you're calling updatecoupon(id,field) using numeric values, this


but in switch statement, you're checking string values,

case '1': 

you need either call functions using string 'field' argument, or change cases use integers.

during execution, none of switch statements hit, hence empty ajax request...


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