Routing issues in Rails when a Blog component was added -

the app working fine until added blog. then, started having routing issues. every link on navbar still works fine, including blog link, opens index of of posts. when click on 1 of links go specific post, page displays, should. but, in order user make comment, he/she needs login or signup. so, put 2 links on page. problem when click on 1 of these links, or other link on navbar, error message, typical message follows:

couldn't find post id=login

at point, not @ root anymore. in instance, address bar reads:


the way root clicking ‘back’ link on page , takes user blog index page.

this routes file looks like:

septactus::application.routes.draw     devise_for :admins   devise_for :users, :path => "auth", :path_names => {                                                     :sign_in => 'login',                                                     :sign_out => 'logout',                                                     :password => 'secret',                                                     :confirmation => 'verification',                                                     :unlock => 'unblock',                                                     :registration => 'register',                                                     :sign_up => 'cmon_let_me_in'                                                    }  devise_for :users, :controllers => {:registrations => 'registrations'}   match '/home',         :to => 'site_pages#home'  match '/about',        :to => 'site_pages#about'  match '/bookshelf',    :to => 'books#index'  match '/blog',         :to => 'posts#index'  match '/icasts',       :to => 'site_pages#icasts'  match '/portfolio',    :to => 'site_pages#portfolio'   devise_scope :user     match "login",   :to => 'devise/sessions#new'    match 'logout',  :to => 'devise/sessions#destroy'    match 'signup',  :to => 'devise/registrations#create'  end   resources :site_pages  resources :books  resources :users  resources :posts   resources :comments  end   root :to => 'site_pages#home'  end 

any clue, anyone?

here problem in line:

<p>to add comment, <%= link_to 'login', 'login' %> or <%= link_to 'signup', "signup" %></p> 

you need change to

<p>to add comment, <%= link_to 'login', login_path %> or <%= link_to 'signup', signup_path %></p> 


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