mongodb - Grails URL id field not getting mapped to params -

here urlmappings.groovy

class urlmappings {  static mappings = {     "/$controller/$action?/$id?(.${format})?" {         constraints {             // apply constraints here         }     }     "/ewhet/$id"(controller : "ewhet", action : "show")     "/"(view: "/index")     "500"(view: '/error')     }    } 

here ewhetcontroller's show action:

class ewhetcontroller {     def index(){      }     def show(){             def ctx = startasync()             ctx.start {                 render params                 //render "this invoked!!"                 ctx.complete()             }         } } 

now when enter url as: http://localhost:8080/g24/ewhet/abc abc not mapped , when render params, empty map [:] . in case if url entered http://localhost:8080/g24/ewhet/show?id=abc id field gets mapped , get:


so want last part of url mapped id parameter in params map without using map in url (like id=abc) per section 7.4.3 in grails documentation how possible , why approach not working?

kindly note not have domain classes using schemaless mongodb @ backend.

try reload app after changing urlmappings.groovy assure new config correctly loaded.


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