javascript - Using jQuery / JS to switch form values fails when value contains a '/' -

i'm using switch function unit converter allows user swap units instead of changing selection. works fine noticed in cases failed.

i went through options until reducing size of value field/ worked. assumed value long after checking on here:

max length of html attribute value

it looks within boundaries. i'm wondering else be?

below 2 examples taken console log showing before , after switch button pressed , results once changed name.

measurement type: thermalexpansion convertfunctions.js:30before!!! from:  length/length/degreec to:  length/length/degreeran convertfunctions.js:40after!!! from:  length/length/degreec to:  length/length/degreeran convertfunctions.js:1020parsed input 1 , result 0.555555556  measurement type: thermalexpansion convertfunctions.js:30before!!! from:  lengthran to:  lengthk convertfunctions.js:40after!!! from:  lengthk to:  lengthran 

edit: tested again using oblique in field , failed.

edit again: more info:

the function, shows console logs generated

function switchunits(){  //need values before swap , around. var = $("#from").val(); var = $("#to").val(); console.log('before!!! from: ', from, 'to: ', );  //switches details $("#to #"+from).attr("selected","selected"); $("#from #"+to).attr("selected","selected");  //gets values after switch = $("#from").val(); = $("#to").val();  console.log('after!!! from: ', from, 'to: ', );  //run convert convertunits(); } 

example of json file once edited remove '/' value field

before edit example:

   "thermalexpansion":[     {         "value": "length/degreek",         "name" : "length / length / kelvin (1/k)"     },  ], 

after edit example:

   "thermalexpansion":[     {         "value": "lengthk",         "name" : "length / length / kelvin (1/k)"     } ], 


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