Illegal character range in regex -

i getting error message regex. here message:

message: illegal character range near index 17 .[~?!@#$%^&()_-+=[]|\;:‘“<>,.?/]{8,9}.* ^

note: ^ inthe end of message below + sign.

here code:

    private static final string password_pattern_special_8 = ".*[~?!@#$%^&*()_-+=[]|\\;:‘“<>,.?/]{8,9}.*"; 

seems working in java.


 1. `pattern.quote()` function   2. \q(characterlistherewithoutbracket)\e   3. escape character manually using `\` in front of     character. 

second option uses thing literal lies between \q..\e.


regarding second option mean can use given in this example. see special characters.

or can check if qouted pattern regex engine using similar or not:


note: pattern obtained .net regex.escape() function.


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