deployment - Is there a Maven way to deploy a Java App (not a WebApp)? -

i developing simple command line application. use cloudbees to:

  • git repo (ok, private one)
  • jenkins continuous build (ok, trigger build when push repo, perfect)
  • deploy run@cloud (ok, painful sdk installation)

my question be: there way deploy java app (not web app) maven cloudbees plugin ? (it record experience).

running raw java container documented:

the bees-maven-plugin documented here: . plugin not seems sdk can do. couldn't use in jenkins.

what did adding "script shell / post build step" in jenkins job. following script:

. /private/brnvrn/scripts/setup-sdk bees app:deploy -a brnvrn/gdataaccess -t java -r class=com.brnvrn.test.main -r classpath=gdataaccess.jar target/gdataaccess-1.0-snapshot.jar waitforapplicationstart=false 

how install sdk in jenkins explained here: , here how mount dav directory: (just aware files upload in /private/ available in /private/$account_name/ ...

i managed make work , realized there no point deploy command line app run@cloud. still known if bees-maven-plugin able job without sdk installation trouble.

the cloudbees maven plugin supports deployment of war files. alternative, can use cloudbees deployer plugin jenkins setup post-build action deploy jar artifact (this pre-installed in dev@cloud jenkins instances). can use cloudbees sdk deploy jar artifact (bees app:deploy -a appid jar_file)


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