vb.net - GridViewMultiComboBoxColumn: Allow User to Enter Data -

i got straight forward grid connected dataset. i'm doing in visual basic. using telerik winforms q3 2013.

every column text column, 2 of them multi column combo boxes, attached distinct dataset brings possible information. , intended reference.

i want let user able key these columns text want regardless if it's on list or not.

i looked @ post http://www.telerik.com/help/winforms/gridview-editors-howto-allow-end-users-to-add-items-to-dropdownlisteditor.html

but example confusing , importantly, saves ref/underlining ref dataset, not desirable.

how can set comboboxes allow users enter text want.


the multi column combo boxes working items, these items gotten data source of multi column combo box. in order allow freely typed text, latter should added data source.


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