Programmatically assign VBA code to MouseupEvent in access? -

i have created form dynamically in vba. below query create form mouseupevent.but doesnt contain code inside event. want know how insert vba code particular event. need use modules or functions ??

set frm = createform() frm.allowadditions = false       frm.allowdeletions = false frm.allowedits = false frm.onmouseup = "[event procedure]" 

waiting valuable response...

the best way can think of consists of following steps:

  • create public function in module new module

note separate module, not 1 of form modules. has public, , has function.

  • create new macro : runcode - functionname create macro

when adding function runcode arguments, through expression builder make sure can accessed.

  • frm.onmouseup = "macroname"

i have tested following code :

sample code

i hope clearer.


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