java - How to safely refactor (e.g rename fields) DTO classes returned in JAX-RS web service calls? -

i stumbled upon following problem after refactoring of issuedto (used type of elements in returned list below):

  • generated json response has changed dictionary key (keys used strings in our selenium tests refactoring broke tests)
  • jsf page accesses issuedto objects using field names (or names converted javabeans-named methods, i'm not sure) access textual, not "typed"
      @get     @path("/issues/{" + locale_param + "}")     @produces(mediatype.application_json)     public list<issuedto> getslides(@pathparam(locale_param) final string locale) {         final locale currentlocale = (locale == null) ?              locale.getdefault() : new  locale(locale);         return issues.getissuesinlocale(currentlocale);     }  

how can sure refactoring neither break tests nor break jsf pages? there annotation can apply issuedto fields "freeze" names i.e. de-couple java code names used non-statically-typed-javaee-specific contexts?

assuming plain javaee application (i.e. jax-rs jaxb annotations used json generation), use @xmlelement(name = "fixedname") decouple actual property names xml and json representation.


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