c# - Post value from javascript to Controller -

in our mvc project using following javascript function , have ensured working function without errors.

function getselecteditems() {         var newitemids = [];         $("#selectitems  tbody").find('tr').each(         function () {              var id = $(this).find('#hfid').val();             var isadd = $(this).hasclass('k-state-selected');              if (isadd == true) {                 newitemids.push(id);             }          });         jquery.ajaxsettings.traditional = true         $.post("/form8invoice/additemtocart", { newitemids: newitemids }); 

however when posting array values controller, seems values not getting passed. controller action method given below quick reference.

[httppost]         public actionresult additemtocart(string[] newitemids, [datasourcerequest] datasourcerequest request)         {             if (newitemids != null)             {                 float grandtotal = 0;                 string currentlocation = getcurrentlocation();                 foreach (string itemid in newitemids)                 {                     location location = new location();                     stock stock = new stock();                     float unitprice = 0;                     float sellingprice = 0;                      if(string.isnullorempty(currentlocation))                     {                         list<stock> stoklist = _stockrepositoty.getstocksbyitemid(new guid(itemid)).tolist();                         stock = stoklist[0];                     }                     else if (currentlocation != "admin")                     {                         location = _locationrepository.getlocationbyname(currentlocation);                         stock = _stockrepositoty.getstockbyitemidandlocation(new guid(itemid), location.locationid);                     }                     else                     {                         list<stock> stoklist = _stockrepositoty.getstocksbyitemid(new guid(itemid)).tolist();                         stock = stoklist[0];                     }                      if (stock != null)                     {                         if (!string.isnullorempty(stock.unitprice.tostring()))                         {                             unitprice = float.parse(stock.unitprice.tostring());                             sellingprice = unitprice; // + tax - discount                         }                     }                      if (_cartitemsrepository.isitemalreadyadded(getcurrentlocation(), getcurrentuser(), new guid(itemid)))                     {                         cartitem cartitem = _cartitemsrepository.getitem(getcurrentlocation(), getcurrentuser(), new guid(itemid));                         int quantity = cartitem.quantity;                         cartitem.quantity = cartitem.quantity + 1;                         _cartitemsrepository.updateitems(cartitem);                          float netamount = sellingprice * cartitem.quantity;                         grandtotal = grandtotal + netamount;                     }                     else                     {                         cartitem cartitem = new cartitem();                         cartitem.locationname = getcurrentlocation();                         cartitem.username = getcurrentuser();                         cartitem.itemid = new guid(itemid);                         cartitem.quantity = 1;                         _cartitemsrepository.insertitems(cartitem);                          float netamount = sellingprice * cartitem.quantity;                         grandtotal = grandtotal + netamount;                     }                   }                  viewbag.grandtotal = grandtotal.tostring();                 _cartitemsrepository.save();             }             return view();         } 

any appreciated.

it looks you've got capitalization of parameter property wrong. try this:

$.post("/form8invoice/additemtocart", { newitemids: newitemids }); 


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