javascript - adding an InfoBox google map -
i'm trying incorporate info box google map: have following code
function initializeswansea() { var latlng = new google.maps.latlng(51.656591, -3.902619); var styles = [ { featuretype: 'landscape.natural', elementtype: 'all', stylers: [ { hue: '#ffffff' }, { saturation: -100 }, { lightness: 100 }, { visibility: 'on' } ] },{ featuretype: 'water', elementtype: 'geometry', stylers: [ { hue: '#93ddf6' }, { saturation: 72 }, { lightness: 4 }, { visibility: 'simplified' } ] },{ featuretype: 'landscape.man_made', elementtype: 'all', stylers: [ { hue: '#ffffff' }, { saturation: -100 }, { lightness: 100 }, { visibility: 'simplified' } ] },{ featuretype: 'road', elementtype: 'all', stylers: [ { hue: '#999999' }, { saturation: -100 }, { lightness: -6 }, { visibility: 'simplified' } ] },{ featuretype: 'poi', elementtype: 'labels', stylers: [ { hue: '#a7a9ac' }, { saturation: -93 }, { lightness: -15 }, { visibility: 'simplified' } ] },{ featuretype: 'poi', elementtype: 'geometry', stylers: [ { hue: '#80c342' }, { saturation: 15 }, { lightness: -34 }, { visibility: 'on' } ] },{ featuretype: '', elementtype: 'labels', stylers: [ { hue: '#0054a6' }, { saturation: 100 }, { lightness: -36 }, { visibility: 'on' } ] },{ featuretype: 'road.highway', elementtype: 'labels', stylers: [ { hue: '#999999' }, { saturation: -100 }, { lightness: -6 }, { visibility: 'on' } ] } ]; var mapoptions = { zoom: 15, center: latlng, maptypeid: 'styled', maptypecontrol: false, streetviewcontrol: false, zoomcontrol: true, scalecontrol: true, maptypecontroloptions: { maptypeids: [ 'styled'] } }; var boxtext = document.createelement("div"); = "border: 1px solid black; margin-top: 8px; background: yellow; padding: 5px;"; boxtext.innerhtml = "city hall, sechelt<br>british columbia<br>canada"; var myoptions = { content: boxtext ,disableautopan: false ,maxwidth: 0 ,pixeloffset: new google.maps.size(-140, 0) ,zindex: null ,boxstyle: { background: "url('tipbox.gif') no-repeat" ,opacity: 0.75 ,width: "280px" } ,closeboxmargin: "10px 2px 2px 2px" ,closeboxurl: "" ,infoboxclearance: new google.maps.size(1, 1) ,ishidden: false ,pane: "floatpane" ,enableeventpropagation: false }; var ib = new infobox(myoptions); var map = new"map-swansea"), mapoptions); var swansea = new google.maps.marker({ position: new google.maps.latlng(51.651532, -3.913906), map: map, title: "swansea" }); var styledmaptype = new google.maps.styledmaptype(styles, { name: 'styled' }); map.maptypes.set('styled', styledmaptype); $(window).resize( function() { map.setcenter(latlng) }); } $(function() { initializeswansea(); });
i want label content, address details etc appear when map loads. have read link still unsure how incorporate code? can help?
the code ok. need show infobox :
google.maps.event.addlistener(swansea, 'click', function() {, swansea); });
see code in fiddle -> (with other minor changes)
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