.net - What is the Difference Between `new object()` and `new {}` in C#? -

first of searched on , found following links on stack overflow:

but i'm not satisfied answer, it's not explained (i didn't well). basically, want know difference between new object() , new {}. how, treated @ compile time , runtime?

secondaly, have following code have used webmethods in asp.net simple application

[webmethod] [scriptmethod(usehttpget = false)] public static object savemenus(menumanager proparams) {     object data = new { }; // here im creating instance of 'object' , have typed `new {}` not `new object(){}`.     try     {         menumanager menu = new menumanager();             menu.name = proparams.name;         menu.icon = proparams.icon;         bool status = menu.menusave(menu);         if (status)         {             // however, here i'm returning anonymous type             data = new             {                 status = true,                 message = "successfully done!"             };         }     }     catch (exception ex)     {         data = new { status = false, message = ex.message.tostring() };     }     return data; } 

so, (as can see in comments in code), how new object(){} , new {} differences?

is right way have write code? can suggest best way code?

i know, can't explain , i'm asking alot, that's best have right now.

new {...} create anonymous object, instance:

  object sample = new {};   string samplename = sample.gettype().name; //<- "<>f__anonymoustype0"                                               //                   not "object" 

while new object() create instance of object class

  object sample = new object() {};   string samplename = sample.gettype().name; // <- "object" 

since objects (including anonymous ones) derived object can type

  object sample = new {}; 


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