mysql - c# entity framework throw exception but no roll back on database -

i have simple query updates 2 tables in database

public void updatelogins(int userid) {     using (var context = new storemanagerentities())     {         user item = context.users.where(x => == userid).firstofdefault();         item.logins += 1;         context.savechanges();          account accountitem = context.accounts.where(x => x.userid == userid).firstofdefault();         accountitem.logins += 1;         context.savechanges();     } } 

but if "throw new exception();" between them so

        context.savechanges();          throw new exception();          account accountitem = context.accounts.where(x => x.userid == userid).firstofdefault(); 

the user table not updated account table has not been updated, , database saves these changes. how can tell database rollback changes if exception thrown?


try :

using (transactionscope txscope = new transactionscope()) {         using (var context = new storemanagerentities())     {         user item = context.users.where(x => == userid).firstofdefault();         item.logins += 1;         context.savechanges();          account accountitem = context.accounts.where(x => x.userid ==     userid).firstofdefault();         accountitem.logins += 1;         context.savechanges();      }      txscope.complete();  } 


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