Is an empty initializer list valid C code? -

it common use {0} initialize struct or array consider case when first field isn't scalar type. if first field of struct person struct or array, line result in error (error: missing braces around initializer).

struct person person = {0}; 

at least gcc allows me use empty initializer list accomplish same thing

struct person person = {}; 

but valid c code?

also: line guaranteed give same behavior, i.e. zero-initialized struct?

struct person person; 

no, empty initializer list not allowed. can shown gcc when compiling -std=c99 -pedantic:

a.c:4: warning: iso c forbids empty initializer braces 

the reason way grammar defined in §6.7.9 of 2011 iso c standard:

initializer:          assignment-expression          { initializer-list }          { initializer-list , } initializer-list:          designation(opt) initializer          initializer-list , designation(opt) initializer 

according definition, initializer-list must contain @ least 1 initializer.


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