delphi - adjusting width of columns in DBGrid -

this question has answer here:

i new delphi :). have made simple app able write , read sql server database. displaying query results in dbgrid.

currently, have 3 columns in db (id, name, surname). dbgrid displays them in waz dont like. can see id (its width accurate) , name, stretched way right, have use horizontal scrollbar see surname, extremely wide.

how can tell dbgrid adjust width of columns widest row?

my app looks this:

 implementation   {$r *.dfm}   procedure tform1.button1click(sender: tobject);   begin   adoquery1.sql.text := 'insert [dbo].[client] ([meno],[priezvisko]) ' +                   'values(:meno, :priezvisko)';  adoquery1.parameters.parambyname('meno').value := edit1.text;  adoquery1.parameters.parambyname('priezvisko').value := edit2.text;  adoquery1.execsql;   end;   procedure tform1.button2click(sender: tobject);  begin   adoquery2.sql.text := 'select * [dbo].[client] meno = :meno'; := true;  adoquery2.parameters.parambyname('meno').value := edit1.text;  adoquery2.execsql;  end;   end. 

i have found tutorial according this, have t double click on chosen coumn adjust width, , had problems line

 columnwidthhelper.maxwidth := max(columnwidthhelper.maxwidth, dbgrid1.canvas.textwidth(column.field.displaytext)) ; 

it not recognizing max function

any appreciated :)

the max function in math unit. add uses clause.


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