batch file - How can I run my java program as different windows user? -


i have java program connect database. dbadmins, give security must access ip, db_user , osuser. these access. can connect toad db.


i cant connect java program use jdbc connection.

java.sql.sqlexception: ora-00604: error occurred @ recursive sql level 1 ora-20099: my_db_user user'i osuseri ile myserver( host'undan db_host db'ye baglanamazsiniz. "thegroup" grubundan yetki talep ediniz... ora-06512: @ line 32

you can see osuser has empty value. mean should filled. mean java program cant osuser name think.


i open cmd test jar file , run cmd my_user(it allowed connect db can connect toad) , enter cmd. @ top of cmd screen says connect 'my_user' (it seems right)

and write java-jar my_program.jar problem same, osuser empty.

how can run jar file different user? or should need give grant user such can run batch file (i not know actually).

extra info

  • i have server closed , same config , jar runs on server.
  • if not have access db says error: java.sql.sqlexception: ora-00604: error occurred @ recursive sql level 1 ora-20099: my_db_user user'i my_user osuseri ile myserver( host'undan db_host db'ye baglanamazsiniz. "thegroup" grubundan yetki talep ediniz... ora-06512: @ line 32 mean can see says my_user osuser, field empty,

in connection prop. there

props.put("v$session.osuser", system.getproperty("").tostring()); 

and checked comes true when debug why not see osuser name in error, i have grant ip,osuser,db user connect cant

update detect strange thing, : when pu jar same credentails connects db know should not or orher should connect, want know matter, in code level same why 1 program connect , other block ,



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