mvc - Kendo UI Grid/Row Template -

i tried put image grid using kendo ui. had problem columns.bound(c => c.productphotoid), when comment columns.bound(c => c.productphotoid) grid can edit, when uncomment grid cannot edit anymore. have no idea this.

@model ienumerable<subcateviewmodel> @(html.kendo().grid(model) .name("grid") .columns(columns =>     {         columns.bound(c => c.productsubcategoryid).width(140);         columns.bound(c => c.productcategoryid).width(140);         columns.bound(c => c.nameofbike).width(190);         columns.bound(c =>;         columns.bound(c => c.productphotoid).width(50).clienttemplate("<img alt='<#= pictureurl #>' src'"             + url.content("~/getimage.ashx?id=@bike.productproductphotoes.firstordefault().productphotoid")             + "#= pictureurl#.jpq'/>").title("picture");         columns.bound(c => c.isselected).width(120);     }) 

could tell me happened columns.bound(c => c.productphotoid), , me in advanced put image in grid. appreciate that! follow link.


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