Android Listview item selection in Xamarin using VS 2012 C# -

i'm using vs 2012 working on android app. actually, want achieve this:

// lv = listview name.  lv.setonitemclicklistener(new onitemclicklistener()  {      public void onitemclick(adapterview<?> myadapter, view myview, int myitemint, long mylng)      {               string selectedfromlist =(string) (lv.getitematposition(myitemint));     } }); 

but, i'm not getting setonitemclicklistener() event. reason is, i'm working in c# using xamarin. want select value or item of listview. how can this?

have activity implement listview.ionitemclicklistener this:

public class someactivity: activity, listview.ionitemclicklistener 

get refence listview this:

lsitview lv = findviewbyid<listview>(; 

then set onitemclicklistner activity since going implement interface listview.ionitemclicklistener

lstitems.onitemclicklistener = this; 

finally add activity class:

public void onitemclick(adapterview parent, view view, int position, long id) { //whatever need goes here. } 


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