Why might Google Fusion Tables sqlGet queries stop working after Google+ sign-in through gapi.auth? -
i'm writing page uses oauth 2.0 via gapi.auth.authorize authenticate google+ user , gapi.client.request run google fusion tables sqlget queries. find queries run fine before authentication, fail 403 "insufficient permission" error when run more 30 seconds after authentication.
the problem demonstrated page: https://googledrive.com/host/0b5urq1jzb1myswlou3nty2m4qnc/test3b.htm
please follow these steps:
click "query" run gapi.client.request google fusion table sql-get query returning count of rows. run until oauth used in steps 2 , 3.
click "start oauth" run immediate:true authorization against google+. if signed google+, user name , id displayed in third button.
if google+ user name not displayed in third button, click button ("authorize") , sign google+.
click "query" button again. query run without error when pressed within 30 seconds of oauth authorization. after that, query fails 403 error. why?
here source demo page:
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no, width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0" /> <title>test3b</title> <style type="text/css"> </style> <script src="scripts/jquery-1.10.2.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var g_domisready = false; var g_gapiisready = false; $(function () { log("@$(function())"); g_domisready = true; start(); }); function gapiisready() { log("@gapiisready"); g_gapiisready = true; start(); } function start() { // make sure both gapi.client , dom (per jquery) ready. if (!(g_gapiisready && g_domisready)) return; // define members. log("@start - gapi , dom ready"); var m_apikey = "aizasyavb0nhqmwypbmjrtz2zrl4wtivjzdiois"; // points google account (including google drive) @ paloalto@geodesy.net. var m_clientid = "868768273487-q295tdfr54uvo98v74891qakcr9ci0pf.apps.googleusercontent.com"; var m_scopes = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.me"; // wire buttons. var querybutton = document.getelementbyid('query-button'); querybutton.onclick = function () { rungetrequest(); return false; }; var startoauthbutton = document.getelementbyid('startoauth-button'); startoauthbutton.onclick = function () { startoauth(); return false; }; // set-up gapi. gapi.client.setapikey(m_apikey); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // gapi.client.request query functions. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function rungetrequest() { log("@rungetrequest"); var tableid = "1vzgvkyuh9uhxkqawpxg1mu8alo8mngl-sx7sp74"; // tr_tree_e var sql = "select count(gid) " + tableid + " gid > 50000"; var path = "/fusiontables/v1/query"; var restrequest = gapi.client.request({ path: path, params: { 'sql': sql } }); restrequest.execute(jsoncallback); } function jsoncallback(json) { log("@jsoncallback"); var output = json.stringify(json); log(output); alert(output); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // oauth functions. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function startoauth() { log("@startoauth"); var authorizebutton = document.getelementbyid('authorize-button'); window.settimeout(checkauth, 1); // check auth in 1 ms function checkauth() { log("@checkauth"); gapi.auth.authorize({ client_id: m_clientid, scope: m_scopes, immediate: true }, handleauthresult); } function handleauthresult(authresult) { log("@handleauthresult"); if (authresult && !authresult.error) { log("@handleauthresult - authresult=true"); log(authresult); // authresult token (with 3600 second expiration). authorizebutton.disabled = true; useauthresults(); } else { log("@handleauthresult - authresult=false"); authorizebutton.disabled = false; authorizebutton.onclick = handleauthclick; } } function handleauthclick() { log("@handleauthclick"); gapi.auth.authorize({ client_id: m_clientid, scope: m_scopes, immediate: false }, handleauthresult); return false; } function useauthresults() { log("@useauthresults"); // google+ user's id , name (member info). gapi.client.load('plus', 'v1', function () { log("@gapi.client.load callback"); var request = gapi.client.plus.people.get({ 'userid': 'me' }); request.execute(function (ainfo) { log("@request.execute callback"); if (ainfo.code !== undefined) { alert('google+ api returned ' + ainfo.code + ': ' + ainfo.message); } else { // here successful sign-in. display user name. log('google+ user id, name: ' + ainfo.id + ', ' + ainfo.displayname); authorizebutton.value = ainfo.displayname + " +" + ainfo.id; } }); }); } } } function log(msg) { if (console) console.log(msg); } </script> <script src="https://apis.google.com/js/client.js?onload=gapiisready" type="text/javascript"></script> </head> <body> <h1>test3a</h1> <p>this pages demonstrates problem having using gapi.client.request gapi.auth.</p> <input type="button" id="query-button" value="query"><br> <input type="button" id="startoauth-button" value="start oauth"><br> <input type="button" id="authorize-button" value="authorize"><br> <p>steps...</p> <p>1. click "query" run gapi.client.request google fusion table sql-get query returning count of rows. run until oauth used in steps 2 , 3.</p> <p>2. click "start oauth" run immediate:true authorization against google+. if signed google+, user name displayed in third button.</p> <p>3. if google+ user name not displayed in third button, press ("authorize") , sign google+.</p> <p>4. click "query" button again. query run without error when pressed within 30 seconds of oauth authorization. after that, query fails 403 error. why?</p> </body> </html>
please note intend use google+ sign-in track page usage specifics user, not enable fusion tables queries.
i'm new oauth , gapi.client.request may simple misunderstanding on part.
i don't have answers you, here think may help:
before have user sign-in g+, gapi.client.request object adding "key=yourapikey" parameter each request.
after have user sign-in g+, gapi.client.request object adding "key=yourapikey" parameter each request and sending "authorization: bearer ya.xxxxxx" header each request, representing access token user logged in.
i think reason you're seeing 403 because access token being sent server, token not include scope authorizating access fusiontables data. when no access token sent - validation not performed.
if wanted access data user owned, need have user consent give application access data including appropriate scope in gapi.auth.authorize call (e.g. "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/fusiontables").
however since don't think trying access data on behalf of specific user, think want prevent "authorization" header being sent @ during call fusion table api.
i can't see easy way prevent gapi.client.request library sending header when user logged in, alternate solution might instead create http object not using gapi.client.request library (e.g. use xmlhttprequest directly) - , manually include "key=yourapikey" in each request.
(what can't explain why you're seeing 30 seconds of differing behavior...)
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